Ascend Valuation Services, LLC is the company you should trust when it comes to foreclosures in Dallas CountyThere are particular appraisal problems when we're talking about a home in foreclosure or one that has gone back to the financial institution's holding.It's important to differentiate the meanings of "market value" and a "quick disposition" assessment to analyze what losses you might have to endure when dealing with a house in foreclosure. The professionals at Ascend Valuation Services, LLC can provide both snapshots of market value for our mortgage originating clients, in addition to "quick sale" forecasts that understand your urgency.
Owners of property in foreclosure can present specific challenges. For example, they may be disinclined to allow the appraiser access to the property. Sometimes the homes have been ransacked, unfortunately at the hands of the former residents themselves. Or, it's likely you'll find nobody has lived in house for months or the home languishing in disrepair for extended periods of time.
If you're dealing with a house that has changed to REO, you will interested in an expeditious disposition. But you might want to understand and compare three values: as-is, as repaired, and "quick sale". These correspond to: |